Civilizaţii ignorate. Oltenia de sub munte
Civilizaţii ignorate. Oltenia de sub munte, film documentar realizat de [...]
Aromânii – parcurs istoric şi prezent
Aromânii – parcurs istoric şi prezent, vol. 1., CD-rom realizat [...]
Event – The Bucharest Meeting for Opened Identity – discussions on the situation of the Romanian community from Harghita and Covasna counties
Situatia comunitatii romanilor din judetele Harghita si Covasna 1 [...]
Debate – The Center for Geopolitics and Visual Anthropology: January 28, 2008
14 martie - 1 aprilie 2007 Institutul de [...]
CESPE statement on the excessive use in some media of Roma images to their detriment
The European Center for Ethnic Studies expresses its fears [...]
Geopolitica, CD-ROM Editura Beladi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-7773-10-4
Geopolitica, CD-ROM Editura Beladi, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-7773-10-4
Event – Photo exhibition Aromanians, historical path and present
14 martie - 1 aprilie 2007 Institutul de [...]
CESPE statement on the speech of V. Voronin, President of Republic of Moldova
Mass-media romaneasca a preluat cu stupoare declaratia provocatoare a [...]
CESPE statement on the National Szekler Council’s “referendum”
In virtutea indatoririlor sociale si al competentei lor sociologice, [...]
2006 – Study regarding the National Minorities Law project
2006 – Study regarding the National Minorities Law project
2005 – Political participation of Roma population
2005 – Political participation of Roma population
Şcoala sau şcoala vieţii, film documentar
Şcoala sau şcoala vieţii, film documentar, realizat în 2005 prin [...]
2004 – Education of Roma children
2004 – Education of Roma children-click for pdf
Slătioara, satul de sub măgură, film sociologic, 1999
Slătioara, satul de sub măgură, film sociologic, 1999
Enciclopedia românilor în secolul XX, vol I, Basarabia, CD-ROM, 1997
Enciclopedia românilor în secolul XX, vol I, Basarabia, CD-ROM, 1997